If you had a way to fix anything at all, what would it be?
The more details you include about what issues your proposed difference could resolve, the more likely you are to gain traction required for action in the right direction.
The more strategies and concepts for your proposed resolution you include, the more likely you are to get support from like minded individuals, corporations and those who have effect over policy making.
If you would make any universal improvement,
Share your ideas, reasons and more.
I would change all old establishment ways of life that have proven to not be in the best interest of the people they supposed to govern.
In order to initiate this type of change, all ways/laws that do not contribute to the improvement of lifestyles and circumstances, of the many and of the few, must be reevaluated.
Would You?
If So, Reply here with which ways of life you would like to change,
How you think we should change it, and Any other details you'd like to include.