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Use your voice to help solve problems humanity failed finding solutions for, so far.
Do you believe that the world population is comprised majorly of liar's heirs, knowingly and unknowingly?
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A liar's heir is someone who inherits or continues the behavior or consequences of dishonesty passed down from a parent, mentor, or influential figure.
Essentially, this person either adopts the same deceitful habits or ends up dealing with the fallout from someone else’s lies. They carry the "legacy" of dishonesty, whether by choice or circumstance.
Use your voice to create new solutions for old problems.
Do you believe that true equality—socioeconomic, racial, and gender—can ever be fully achieved in our world? Why or why not?
What steps can individuals and governments take to close the gaps in access to education, healthcare, and opportunities?
What do you think are the most effective ways to address
deforestation, pollution, and climate change?
Use your voice to help find new solutions to old problems!
Answer polls throughout comment area.
Reply with your ideas that may be solutions to the issue that you are replying to.
Check replies to see what you can do to help achieve worldwide goals.
Thanks for helping make our world better!
Do you believe that our current economic systems are too focused on short-term profits to make meaningful environmental changes? What would need to change?
Use your voice to help create solutions to hard issues.
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Is a world without war and conflict possible? How can we better address the root causes of war, like power struggles and resource competition?
Use your voice to help create solutions to hard issues.
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Use your voice to find new solutions to old problems.
How do you think nationalism & political ideologies play a role
in fueling global conflicts?
Use your voice to help create new solutions to old issues.
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Use your voice to make new solutions for old issues.
How can we as individuals combat the culture of greed & overconsumption
in our everyday lives?
Use your voice to help create new solutions to old issues.
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Is this attainable?
Yes, I left insight.
Yes, I'm just optimistic.
No, I left insight.
No, I just don't believe it's possible.
Thanks for being a part of giving world citizens a voice!
Be sure to take the poll after you read the materials also.
Do you think it’s possible for modern economies to thrive without constant growth and consumption, or is this system too deeply ingrained?
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Do you think it's possible for modern economics to thrive without constant growth & consumption?
Yes, and I left insight that may help.
Yes, it's just cause and effect.
No, I replied with important insight that will help.
Use your voice to help create new solutions to old issues.
What changes in our political systems would help prioritize the needs of future generations over immediate gratification?
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Do you believe politicians can prioritize future generation's needs over the needs of the generation who is responsible for their re-election?
Yes, and I replied with insight.
No and I replied with insight.
I don't know, but I replied with insight that may help.
Idk, but I replied important information that will help.
Use your voice to help create new solutions to old problems!
How can we encourage political leaders to focus on long-term solutions for issues like climate change and public health, rather than short-term gains?
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