Thanks for your interest in improving today for tomorrow.
This board is for citizens to represent themselves and the communities around them.
We aim to improve situation awareness, so needs are assessed by priority determined by those affected the most by the decisions.
Majority votes of community members claim priority status for program development to move forward.
Let us help you build your community.
We'd love to help you create your business or organization, Free!
New Build Community Chapters must address issues and needs,
According to community driven assessments.
We will help you create your organization, start to finish & eliminate Most paperwork.
We provide commercial location research tools, financing options & more.
The Red Finger is for creating Change.
Report important information and get informed on what your community feels is important.
Is there something that you believe that you know that society would benefit from, as a whole?
If so, it is your responsibility, as a part of mankind, to share your beliefs, along with any information that led you to your conclusions. So, that humanity may further improve itself.
Please speak up, no matter how off the wall your idea may seem.
Feel free to use the comments section below.
If you believe your matters must be addressed with more sensitivity, please report it via email.