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Organize to Build Your Community!

Would You like to See Change in Your Community?

Use Your Voice as a Tool to Create New Programs, Businesses & Initiatives!

Report Needs, Issues, Aid & Suggestions.

Create resolutions that impact you or our communities.


Pledge Money, Services, or Creative Arts to help with fundraising! 

Pledge Your Original works for 15,000 distributions!
Purchase Pledged Works!

Creators maintain 100% financial gain outside Pledging Stations.

Include Services, locations & Prices on Service List Documents.
Press Pledge it after uploading your contributions.
All Pledging Station proceeds go to build community initiatives.

Thanks For Your Support!

There is Always More to be done.
Every change starts with acknowledgement of a need before action is initiated.
Help your community by pointing out issues and Needs.
Put focus on matters being ignored to create most needed changes by those impacted most. 

Pledge Money

​#1 Get Paid to Add Your EarthCam for All to Witness

Get Public Cams Started Now

#2 Show the World 


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Don't Start to Finish.
Motivate to Create Better Versions of Today for Better Tomorrows. 

'Build Community'
Community led & funded Change.

Build Community’s first Charter was established in Missouri.

We were created to:

 - Provide communities with resources to provoke long term change.

- Allow people to report on community needs to influence changes.

- Make dreams of owning businesses more attainable for all.

- Encourage development of Build Community charters in each state, and eventually, each city/town, for neighborhoods everywhere.


*All charters are required to assess the needs of communities,

based on the perceptions of members of the communities affected.

* All charters will make efforts to find resources to create new programs and developments to assist in long term community improvement.

Coordinators of each location maintain total creative control of their charter and must comply with rule #1.

Rule #1- Allocated funds/donations, Community needs/issues will be reported/submitted through Build Community Fundraisers & Community Polling Boards, online.

Start a Build Community Charter for Your Community today.

Community charters may have different scopes,

but missions will be the same. 

Wooden Planks

Build Community is a non-biased, nonprofit organization.
We prohibit discrimination and use of derogatory treatment of anyone.
We promote building unity projects to build long-term growth.
We encourage building communities through essential change,
to support stronger foundations and better futures.

The first step to long-term action is acknowledging that change is needed.

Your Voice can be the Action that helps acknowledgement be attained.

Action Changes Lives!

Support Your Community to Build it with Unity!
One idea, One goal, One step at a time. 

No upcoming events at the moment
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